熟練使用電腦(PC 或 Mac)及常用軟件,能閱讀英文材料


本測驗用於判斷你是否熟練使用電腦(PC 或 Mac)及常用軟件,以及能閱讀英文材料。

如得分少於 80% 請考慮報讀電腦入門課程。

1. If you want to listen music from a computer, which of following you must have?

2. Usually how do you start a program?

3. From which of the following you can input(type) "JOHN" into the computer?

4. Tom want to copy a text file from your computer to his computer for further editing, which of the following is the best and the simplest way to meet the request?

5. 如何把一個視窗關閉?

6. 想要一次選取許多圖示,要怎麼操作滑鼠?

7. 視窗最小化之後,在哪裡可以找到它?

8. What is a font?

9. How do you move a window to a different position?

10. 開機後駐守在電腦的程式,放在哪裡?